How to Rescue Your Wet AirPods: Expert Tips for Water Emergencies

So, you've had a mishap and your beloved AirPods took an unexpected dive into water. Panic mode engaged? Don't worry; we've got you covered. Follow these expert tips to salvage your soggy earbuds and get back to your favorite tunes in no time.

Understanding the Damage

First things first, let's assess the situation. Water and electronics are like oil and water — they don't mix. Your AirPods are delicate pieces of technology, and exposure to moisture can wreak havoc on their functionality. However, all hope is not lost. With the right approach, you can increase the chances of saving them from a watery grave.

Act Fast, Stay Calm

Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage. The longer your AirPods remain submerged, the higher the likelihood of irreversible harm. As soon as you retrieve them from the water, resist the urge to test them out. Instead, focus on drying them thoroughly to prevent further corrosion.

Drying Techniques That Work

1. Rice Method

Ah, the classic rice trick. While it may seem like a cliché, placing your wet AirPods in a bowl of uncooked rice can absorb moisture effectively. Ensure the AirPods are completely submerged in rice and leave them overnight for optimal results.

2. Silica Gel Packs

If you have silica gel packs lying around from shoeboxes or electronics packaging, put them to good use. These desiccants are designed to absorb moisture and can expedite the drying process. Place your AirPods in a sealed container with silica gel packs and leave them for at least 24 hours.

3. Air Compressor or Hair Dryer

For a more aggressive approach, you can use an air compressor or a hair dryer on the lowest setting to blow air into the AirPods' openings. Be cautious not to use high heat, as it can damage the internal components. Opt for cool air instead and maintain a safe distance to prevent overheating.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

While you may be eager to test your AirPods after drying them, exercise patience. Rushing to power them on without ensuring they're completely dry can lead to short circuits and permanent damage. Additionally, refrain from using heat sources like ovens or microwaves, as they can warp or melt the plastic casing.

The Moment of Truth

After allowing sufficient drying time, cautiously test your AirPods to see if they're operational. If they emit sound and connect to your device without issues, congratulations — you've successfully revived them! However, if they're still unresponsive or exhibit abnormal behavior, it may be time to consider professional repair or replacement.


Accidents happen, but with the right knowledge and quick action, you can mitigate the damage caused by water exposure to your AirPods. Remember to stay calm, act swiftly, and employ proper drying techniques to give your earbuds the best chance of survival.

Attribution Statement:
This article is a modified version of content originally posted on POSTARTICA.

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